Conscious. Chic. Functional. Style.

Radical Surrender: The “Woosh” Technique

THINK ABOUT the last time you experienced pure, unadulterated, childlike joy? For many, it might be easier to remember the last time that you felt anxious or depressed. That was the topic presented in this morning’s sermon, and I can’t help but reflect on why does it have to be like that? Or perhaps the better question is simply, does it have to be like that?

We like to assert our control over situations to bring about the best possible outcome. I mean, that totally makes sense, right? We have to manipulate the situation for things to go the way we want them to. But that causes so much anxiety, ruminating, and depression. Because what if things don’t go the way I planned? What if I should have done something different? What if… fill in the blank.

So what can we do? My suggestion: radical surrender. That’s right, stop caring so much about the outcome. Why? Because all things come to those who wait don’t give a hoot. Radical, right? So, how can we do this? That’s where hope comes in, my friend. Hear me out. We must always hope for our hearts desires, but surrender to the flow. What is meant to be will be. Everything happens for a reason. Note to self: insert other hokey saying here.

Hope is an important tool because it leads us to unconditional love- the highest vibration in the universe, man. Once we are in a state of unconditional love, everything is groovy. That’s the power of love.

When you encompass unconditional love, that’s what you will attract back. Why? Because like energy attracts like energy. And you will understand that even if things don’t go your way, there is a reason. But how do we get to a place of unconditional love? First we must underlying traumas so that we can grow through the things we have experienced. Cue shadow work.

So what does this all have to do with religion? I’m so glad you asked! Religion is a tangible path for those searching for faith and hope. And how wonderful that there are over 4,000 to pick from! At their core, all messages convey the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you”. Religion helps us find meaning in a confusing world by connecting us to a higher consciousness so that we can make better sense of things.

Because religion can help connect us with faith and hope, we can use these tools when we are in periods of struggle. So, the next time you are worrying about a project due date? Woosh it away! That’s right, just send it up. Pray that sh*t away. Cast a spell. Meditate on it if that’s your thing. The cool part is you can send it to wherever you want! God, Allah, Jesus, Brahma, Buddha, your Higher Self, the Universe, Spirit. You pick.

As a Christian, I am taught that the kingdom of God is within. And I personally believe that the kingdom of God is within everyone. As a Christian, I am taught that God forgives every morning. And I personally believe that is true for everyone. A simple formula to follow would be hope more, love unconditionally, forgive always. And make sure to pay attention to those precious moments of joy. After all, the more we pay attention to things the more aware we become. Simple, right?

SoulCare Tips:

Naps are good for your soul

Ice Cream is good for your soul.

Travel is good for your soul.

Campfires are good for your soul.

Sunsets are good for your soul.